Thursday, October 22, 2009

Places to Teach By Matthew Kepnes

Matthew Kepnes

There are many places all over the world where you can teach English. They provide an excellent chance for people to explore a new culture and find themselves. One of the most popular places in the world is Asia because there are so many teaching jobs, most of the teachers are young, the expat scene is vibrant, and there are a lot of parties there. However, there are many great places to teach all over the planet, each with its own great reason to go there.

In Asia, there are many good places to go teach English. Korea is usually the place most people go because they have the most benefits and highest salaries. Salaries in Japan are high but the cost of living eats up a lot of your money and it's not unless you stay there for a long time will you save some money. China is the new rising star and lots of people are going there. Taiwan is also a good place to go but only if you like to teach kids as there are not many adult classes offered.

Besides Japan, China also offers ESL teaching programs. The pay is good and accommodation and cost of living is considerably cheap and affordable. You can save a sizable amount and complete all your loans back home. With many American companies opening shop in China you can always get a job in one of the reputed tech companies after one year of teaching English. Living a decent life in China is cheap and affordable. Housing costs are reasonable and so is food. You can save a sizable amount and may be even buy a house back home. Chinese people are enterprising and you can learn a lot from them. Once you have been an ESL teacher for a year you can always move to another field where English knowledge is a must.

The Middle East offers very high salaries and great packages for teachers. All of which is tax free. However, you must be a certified teacher and have a few years experience if you want to teach there. Most of the people who tend to teach there are older and more settled so don't expect a party scene. However, if you are an experience and qualified teacher, the Middle East will probably be the best place for you.

Italy and Spain are another great place for ESL teachers. Italy and Spain are two beautiful cities where you can always switch jobs after your stint as an ESL is completed. Fashion industry in Milan would love to hire English knowing people to work with international models and designers. Tourism is another industry where English knowledge will come handy. Moreover, by teaching in Europe you have the ability to travel every weekend to a new country and visit a new culture. Europe has a lot to offer.

Teaching English overseas is a really rewarding experience. It's great for people looking to take time out from their job and their routine and get to see the world. Most English teachers only work twenty hours a week and earn a lot of money. There is a lot of vacation time so you can travel a lot. Teaching English is a great way to see a new place and these countries and places are a great place to go if you are interested.


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